How do you promote environmental stewardship on the farm?
There is so much we could share here! Be on the look out for future blog posts with more details. Our land is our legacy and everything we do is geared toward preserving and improving it. We grow our produce the way we want to eat it at our own table! We use ground cover for weed control and water retention, and drip irrigation to conserve water.
Over 300 acres are maintained in our natural woodland & conservation forest providing habitat for birds, deer, bob cats, fox, beaver, turkeys, and a wealth of other animals including the occasional bear. Given our location in one of the fastest growing counties in the Alabama, it is more important than ever to provide and nurture this critical wildlife habitat.
Where is your farm? And tell me about the dog.
Where are you located?
We are in Shelby county near the St. Clair county line off of Hwy 231 on the banks of Kelly Creek between Vincent and Pell City.
If you are coming to our u-pick, you turn at the church off of Hwy 231 onto Hwy 468- then look for the gravel drive with the white farm house. You'll check in and out at the shop.
Our spoke-dog is Bach. He's a German Wire-haired Pointer. He's a mess, but we love him. You can spot him on the back of our t-shirts and in a lot of our commercials. We also have a rescue Great White Pyrenees named Cotton, a rescue Cattahoula mix named Scrappy. Strea, our much loved mutt is enjoying the college life with Jess.
How can I support your donation program?
How can I help?
You can volunteer to help with the gleaning harvest, which will be donated to charity along with anything picked earlier in the week that wasn't sold.. Community Service hours are available.
You can also suggest a food bank or other organization that is able to distribute fresh food. We would love to donate to your favorite organization!
You can spread the word about us by liking and sharing our Face Book page, telling your friends about us, and interacting with us on social media.
Check back soon for a donate now button if you would like to financially contribute as well.
I'd love to know more about your farm
DeLoach Farms has been passed down generation to generation since the first family member settled here on the banks of Kelly Creek in 1820. We are proud to be one of only nine Alabama Bicentennial Farms and are now in our sixth generation of family farmers.
John, Kate, and Jess DeLoach have been actively serving and leading in the community for many years, and have been recognized in proclamations from the Governor as well as the Alabama State House and Senate. In 2018, John DeLoach was recognized as the Alabama Farmer of the Year.
We grow strawberries for U-Pick and also offer sustainable local meat and eggs. We are currently not offering farm to door delivery, but we are always looking for new ways to share our farm and our love for Alabama agriculture with our community. Sign up for our mailing list to get farm updates and special invitations.
Tell me about the U-pick?
2024 Season has ended.
We are so excited to share our farm with all of you and would like to invite you over to pick strawberries. Our 2024 strawberry season starts soon! Opening day is likely the first weekend of April.
U-pick berries are $18 for a big 1.1 gallon bucket or 2 for $30. We do not use any pesticides on our strawberries. We provide buckets for picking.
We have a new check-in area for the 2024 season at our shop. The address is 171 Hwy 468 Vincent, AL 35178. You'll find a new picnic/rest/photo area behind the shop as well. The shop has a restroom for our customers.
We may also have very limited amounts of pre-picked berries at $4 a pint, $6 a quart, or $20 a bucket available. Call or message ahead to confirm availability.
Cash, credit, and Venmo accepted.